January 13, 2025
Home » How to burn an ISO file to USB
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Burn an ISO file to USB in a few easy steps:

  1. Connect a USB drive to your computer to burn. Backup your files on your computer first, since everything will be erased.
  2. Go to the Rufus website, scroll down to the download section and click the latest version. Install it on your computer.
  3. Open Rufus and select the USB drive you plugged in at the top.

    Rufus how to burn an iso to usb
  4. Click the Select button and find the ISO you downloaded, usually in your Downloads folder.
  5. Click the Start button at the bottom. It might prompt you about the writing mode, I usually go with the recommended option.
  6. Wait for the process to complete. It may take several minutes depending on the size of the ISO file and the speed of your USB drive.

Once the burning process is complete, you should be able to boot your computer from the USB drive and use the ISO image file as needed. If you run into any errors at the end of this process, try to burn it again. Another option is to find another USB drive to try.

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